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Email Follow Up Techniques to Get Noticed Fast!

In the competitive world of college recruiting, standing out in a coach’s inbox can be a daunting task. However, mastering the art of email follow up techniques can significantly increase your chances of getting noticed. A well-crafted follow-up email not only shows your persistence but also demonstrates your genuine interest in the program. This initial connection can be a game-changer in your recruiting journey.

Understanding the right timing and the appropriate content for your follow-up emails is crucial. Coaches receive hundreds of emails daily, and the last thing you want is for your message to get lost in the noise. A strategic approach to following up ensures that your email moves to the top of their priority list.

At Ath-Elite Hub, we offer affordable software designed to simplify this process for student athletes. Our platform provides customizable profile pages and instant access to coaches’ email addresses, making your follow-up efforts more efficient and effective. Sign up for our software today and take control of your recruiting journey!

In this article, we will explore various email follow-up techniques that are proven to get you noticed fast by college coaches. From the timing of your emails to the content you should include, these tips will help you make a lasting impression and increase your chances of securing a spot on your desired team.

Crafting a Compelling Subject Line

The subject line of your email is the first thing a coach will see, and it plays a crucial role in whether your email gets opened or ignored. A compelling subject line should be concise, relevant, and intriguing enough to grab the coach’s attention immediately. Think of it as a headline that offers a sneak peek into the valuable content within your email.

To craft an effective subject line, start by including your name and a brief indication of the email’s purpose. For example, “John Doe – Follow-Up on Recruiting Inquiry” clearly states who you are and what the email is about. This personal touch can make your email stand out in a crowded inbox.

Additionally, consider using action words that prompt the coach to take immediate action. Phrases like “Update” or “Request for Feedback” can create a sense of urgency and importance. However, avoid overly dramatic or clickbait-style subject lines, as they can come off as insincere or unprofessional.

Another effective technique is to highlight a unique aspect of your profile or a recent achievement. A subject line like “Jane Smith – Recent MVP Award Winner” not only introduces you but also showcases a significant accomplishment, piquing the coach’s interest.

Remember, your subject line sets the stage for the rest of your email. By putting thought and effort into crafting it, you increase the likelihood that your email will be opened, read, and remembered by the coach.

Writing an Engaging Email Body


Once your subject line has successfully captured a coach’s attention, the next step is to ensure your email body keeps them engaged. The body of your email should be concise, informative, and compelling, effectively communicating your strengths and interest in the program.

Begin your email with a brief introduction that includes your name, current school, position, and graduation year. For example, “My name is Alex Johnson, a 2024 graduate from Central High School, where I play as a point guard.” This establishes your identity and context right away.

Next, explain why you are reaching out. Be specific about your interest in their program and what aspects appeal to you. Mention any recent accomplishments or highlights that make you a strong candidate. For instance, “I am reaching out to express my interest in your basketball program. I have been following your team’s performance and am particularly impressed by your emphasis on teamwork and developing well-rounded athletes.” This shows that you have done your research and are genuinely interested.

Provide a brief overview of your athletic and academic achievements. Highlight key stats, awards, or accolades that set you apart. Use bullet points to make this information easily scannable:

  • 2023 All-State Team Selection
  • Average 18 points per game
  • 4.0 GPA with AP courses in Mathematics and Science

End your email with a clear call to action. Request a follow-up meeting, phone call, or invite them to watch your game highlights. For example, “I would love to discuss how I could contribute to your team. Are you available for a call next week?” This shows initiative and makes it easy for the coach to take the next step.

Finally, thank the coach for their time and consideration, and provide your contact information.

By crafting an engaging email body, you increase your chances of making a memorable impression and advancing in the recruiting process.

Timing Your Follow Up Emails

Timing is a crucial aspect of your follow-up email strategy. Sending your follow-up emails at the right intervals can significantly increase your chances of getting noticed by college coaches. It’s important to strike a balance between being persistent and respectful of the coach’s time.

Initially, give the coach some time to respond to your first email. A good rule of thumb is to wait about one week before sending your first follow-up. This shows that you are patient and considerate, but also genuinely interested in their program.

If you haven’t received a response after your first follow-up, wait another week before sending a second follow-up email. In this email, reiterate your interest and briefly mention any new accomplishments or updates. For example, “I wanted to follow up on my previous email and share that I recently competed in a regional tournament where I scored 20 points in the final game.” This keeps your communication fresh and relevant.

After the second follow-up, if you still haven’t heard back, you can send a third and final follow-up email two weeks later. In this email, express your continued interest and ask if there is a preferred time or method for future communication. For instance, “I understand you have a busy schedule, and I am still very interested in your program. Is there a better time or method for us to connect?” This demonstrates your persistence while also being considerate of their time.

Remember, the goal is to maintain a professional and respectful approach. Avoid overwhelming the coach with too many emails or follow-ups in a short period. By timing your follow-up emails strategically, you show that you are organized, respectful, and genuinely interested in the opportunity.

Personalizing Your Follow Up Messages

Personalizing your follow-up emails is essential to stand out in a coach’s crowded inbox. A generic message often gets overlooked, but a personalized one shows genuine interest and effort, making it more likely to capture attention.

Start by addressing the coach by name. This small detail immediately makes the email feel more personal. Instead of a generic “Dear Coach,” use “Dear Coach [Last Name].” This demonstrates that you’ve done your homework and are specifically interested in their program.

Next, reference something specific about the coach or the program. This might be a recent game, a notable achievement, or something unique about the school’s athletic program. For example, “I was impressed by your team’s performance in the state championship last season” or “I appreciate the emphasis your program places on academic excellence.” This shows that you are not just sending out mass emails but are genuinely interested in their specific program.

Include relevant details about yourself that align with the program’s values or needs. If you know the team is looking for a strong midfielder and you excel in that position, highlight that. For instance, “I believe my skills as a midfielder would be a great fit for your team, especially considering your recent focus on strengthening the midfield.” This not only showcases your talents but also how they align with the program’s goals.

Lastly, mention any previous interactions or correspondences. If you’ve met the coach at a camp or tournament, remind them of this. For example, “It was great meeting you at the summer camp in July. I enjoyed our conversation about the importance of teamwork.” This helps to jog the coach’s memory and reconnects them with your previous encounter.

By personalizing your follow-up messages, you demonstrate attention to detail, genuine interest, and a proactive approach, all qualities that coaches highly value in potential recruits.

Tracking and Measuring Email Success

Tracking and measuring the success of your email follow-ups is crucial to refining your approach and maximizing your chances of getting noticed. Without proper tracking, it’s challenging to understand what’s working and what needs improvement.

One of the first steps in tracking email success is to use an email tracking tool. These tools can provide valuable insights such as open rates, click-through rates, and response times. Knowing whether a coach has opened your email or clicked on any links can help you understand their level of interest and determine the right time for a follow-up.

Additionally, keep a detailed log of your email interactions. This log should include the date and time of each email sent, the recipient’s name, and any responses received. Tracking this information can help you identify patterns and optimize your follow-up strategy. For instance, if you notice that coaches tend to respond more on certain days or times, you can schedule future emails accordingly.

Analyzing the content of successful emails is another effective way to measure success. Compare the emails that received positive responses with those that didn’t. Look for common elements in the successful emails, such as personalized content, specific subject lines, or particular calls to action. Use these insights to refine your future emails.

Finally, set measurable goals for your email campaigns. These goals could include targets for open rates, response rates, or the number of follow-up meetings scheduled. Regularly review your performance against these goals and adjust your strategy as needed to improve your results.

By continuously tracking and measuring your email success, you can fine-tune your approach and increase your chances of standing out in a coach’s inbox. Remember, the key to a successful recruiting journey is not just in sending emails, but in sending the right emails at the right time.

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