How to Get Comfortable Talking to Coaches During Recruiting.

1. Understand the college recruiting process Having a grasp of the college recruitment procedure is vital in order to get comfortable talking with college coaches in recruiting process. The recruiting process with start during a student-athlete’s high school years. Recruiters look for potential candidates and make contact to assess their interest and capabilities. Research and explore […]

Can You Play Sports in College without being Recruited?

The answer to this question is yes but you can improve your chances of being recruited by making a player profile page with Ath-Elite Hub – Where Athletes and Coaches Connect Together and start sending your information to college coaches today. Understanding the walk-on process is essential in navigating your way to achieving your goals. […]

Criteria a College Coach is looking for in a potential recruit!

1. Athleticism and Skill: Criteria a college Coach want athletes who possess exceptional athleticism and possess speed, agility, strength, coordination, and technical proficiency in their sport. 2. Competitive Spirit: Coaches seek athletes who have a strong desire to win, display a competitive edge, and are willing to push themselves to achieve their goals. as well […]